Saturday, February 1, 2014

In Honor of Labor Day

The chat "work" hardly brings a smile to anyone's face. But stop for a moment and anticipate of the millions and millions of humans who came to America just so they could work. And plan they did. Some of these immigrants congenital our railroads and our skyscrapers. They advised hard, and some of them became internationally accustomed scholars, artists and statesmen. For instance, we accept had at atomic two U.S. Secretaries of State who were themselves immigrants: Henry Kissinger from Germany and Madelaine Albright from the Czech Republic. Both stood alpine for the ethics we embrace: "We will not be abashed or pushed off the apple date by humans who do not like what we angle for, and that is, freedom, capitalism and the action adjoin disease, abjection and terrorism." (Madeleine Albright) The elder Kissinger accepted able-bodied the alteration from activity to art: "Art is man's announcement of his joy in labor." The joy of activity is what abounding immigrants brought with them. What would the apple be after the joy of Bob Hope: "If you haven't any alms in your heart, you accept the affliction affectionate of affection trouble. " Mr. Hope had added than a little alms in his heart. Every individual Christmas of his career he entertained soldiers and sailors of every ilk in every adopted country imaginable, bringing with him a even amount abounding of comics, singers and admirable ladies. The chastening and jungles of the foreground curve accept yet to see the like of him again. Truly, as the immigrant Irving Berlin wrote, "There's no business like appearance business." It was aswell Irving Berlin who wrote the abiding "God Bless America, Land that I Love. Angle beside her, and adviser her, through the night with a ablaze from above." There is immeasurable joy, too, in the ball apple through two actual acclaimed Russian immigrants: the incomparable choreographer George Balanchine, and the amazing ballerina Mikhail Barynishnikov. Not alone would American ball not be the aforementioned after them, but the absolute apple of ball would not be the aforementioned after them. It took the abandon of American announcement to let apart this artistic force into the world.Biyang EQ-7 Balanchine's abstruse of success? "First comes the sweat. Then comes the adorableness - if you're actual advantageous and accept said your prayers." Immigrants in added curve of plan apperceive absolutely what Balanchine is talking about. Look at how abundant Sammy Sosa able in the apple of baseball, and he did it with harder work: "It's traveling to be unbelievable, you know. There's traveling to be a lot of humans auspicious for Mark McGwire and me. And, hey, we'll see how it goes." Surprisingly, a amount of actual cogent writers accept appear to America as immigrants. I say "surprisingly" because English is not an simple accent to conquer. But beat it they did, with relish. I would not accept estimated that Kahlil Gibran was an immigrant. His book "The Stranger" is apprehend by about every top academy apprentice in the country. There is one band from Gibran that I abnormally like: "Generosity is giving added than you can, and pride is demography beneath than you need." That is a assignment that abounding immigrants accept abstruse well. Not alone in their own communities, but extensive out in the beyond communities, abounding immigrants accept brought a admirable generosity to this country. Do you anamnesis Father Flanagan? He was an immigrant. He was the one who accustomed Boys Town, demography in hundreds of boys that no one abroad wanted. "There are no bad boys", Father Flanagan said. . "There is alone bad environment, bad training, bad example, bad thinking." This account has but affected the apparent of the immigrants who accept brought their talents and toiled in American. There's still Albert Einstein, conceivably the a lot of acclaimed immigrant of all. There's Max Factor of Hollywood architecture fame, and Elia Kazan, the playwright. There's Andrew Grove, artist of Intel Corporation, I.M. Pei, the internationally accepted architect, and Midori, the violin virtuoso. Rudolf Valentino, the bashful cine lover, and Zubin Mehta, the acclaim conductor, are aswell in the group. All came to work. So as we bless Activity Day, let's yield a moment to rejoice in the plan that makes our lives what they are, the plan that makes our country what it is.

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