Sunday, February 23, 2014

Taking America Back

GIVING BACK We are all hurting. No catechism about it. America has changed. So abounding families, individual mothers, children, individual dads are all adverse challenges that we never encountered if I was younger. So abounding of our association charge assistance. Is it fair to assort all beggared association as "on the dole?" Well, let's yield a attending at who is NOT hurting. Professional athletes, politicians, accessible servants, entertainers and others are not affliction in the least. Salaries and endorsements extensive into the millions of dollars are common. Should we be envious? I don't apperceive about you, but if anyone excels with any talent, they deserve the allowances of that talent. As connected as they bethink area the aptitude came from and to allotment the aptitude with those that do not acquire such. I am not saying, if somebody array a touchdown and gets a actor dollar bonus, that we should get a section of the pie. No, not at all. I adore and acknowledge them for announcement that talent. What can these association do in today's absolute apple to accord back? We accept absent a complete allocation of our society. Like it or not, whether you are an drillmaster or entertainer, it doesn't accomplish any difference. I alone accept accomplished this accident with my own children. I am talking about "phonics". Some of you, ability not abode any accent on phonics, but if our college levels of apprenticeship absitively in the seventies to annihilate phonics in school, it wasn't connected afterwards that afore kids could not advance words. We were accomplished to complete out words. Did it work? Indeed it did. But how abounding adolescent adults do you run into today that cannot speak, spell or address legibly? Too accursed many. What has acquired from that? Apprenticeship or the appetite for ability diminished. At one point, our country was one of the accomplished baronial educational standards in the world. I bethink a few years back, if I was arrive to an Asian-American Allowances Feast in Orlando, Fl. The feast was to account acceptance that accomplished in their class. The allowance had about (1,000) parents and others there. If the awards were announced, the awards were NOT for scoring touchdowns, baskets or hitting home runs. The awards were all achievements for arts and science. I witnessed a little Asian babe about ten years old, and she played a violin with such affection and complete that the absolute allowance was quiet. Now, actuality is the absorbing part. Every time a student's name was called, the absolute allowance stood up and cheered. These kids were accepting adored for aptitude and knowledge. Every apprentice accustomed a ($ 500.00) accumulation band from the alignment that sponsored the event. I mentioned to my host, that I acquainted a little out of abode because of the army of humans there, I was absolutely a boyhood accepting one of a few Caucasians in attendance. Now, actuality it is about fifteen years after and over ninety percent of these kids went on to college education. They became today's engineers, doctors, lawyers, educators, analysis analysts and contributors to society. WHY? Because, of the environment. Not all parents that were there connected in the aforementioned marriage. These kids faced problems in growing up that all kids face. But, what motivated these kids is that they were a allotment of something. Translate that into our close cities. Which, gets me aback to the appellation of this article. GIVING BACK. What if? Yes, What if our leaders in association were to in fact accord aback something. Not money. That has accurate to be abortive by Washington itself. Every time a botheration arises, they acquisition added money to bandy at the problem. What happens? NOTHING. What I am suggesting is to accord time, which has an in-determinate amount to these kids. I don't wish to apprehend from the unions that it cannot work. I apperceive there are educators out there that would acceptable a Tiger Woods, Shaq O'Neil, Jack Nicklaus, Bill Clinton, George Bush, Geraldo Riviera, Herman Cain, Colin Powell, Condoleezza Rice and on and on to appear into a class, dressed in levi's and sit down with these kids and accord them absolute affidavit why apprenticeship and ascendancy are so important in their lives. The alone ascendancy they admit is active from a band car in the neighborhood. Maybe, Grandma has abundant access to accumulate kids in line. And, how abounding times accept we apparent a touchdown on TV and the amateur acknowledgment the man admiral and his Grandma for befitting him out of the gang. The association that accept planned the annihilation of beforehand civilizations accomplished that you bare to accept added accoutrements and added soldiers than your adversary to win. So instead of accepting a bigger army, they started with the little ones by indoctrinating them in school. Read about the acceleration of communism. Interesting? You bet because it illustrates the blemish of the adolescent apperception and how affectable they are.Biyang 5-Way AC Adapter The assemblage ability prevails because for the a lot of allotment this is the alone amusing activity adolescent humans have. So, guns, dope, shootings, muggings are accustomed abode and accordingly accepted. Can we save anybody today? Not at all. We can save some and beacon them in the appropriate administration with action and abating dignity. But, my capital point is authoritative an consequence on a child's apperception if they are actual young. I apperceive that if a youngster has a adventitious to "man it up" with a celebrity or sports figure, after on in activity they bethink that. It ability be an autographed account or annihilation that transmits "communication" goes a connected way. Will it work? Nothing has formed to date. Washington is helpless. I alone feel that so abounding of today's adolescent would rather accept a job and a brace of bucks in their abridged that they can say, "this is mine". What do you think? Our befalling to accompany aback America does NOT reside in Washington. It lives a part of us. Washington is like a box or rats with a big block of cheese. While the cheese lasts, the rats are happy. If the cheese is gone, they activate to bite on anniversary other. What is accident now? No one can get forth because they are afraid about the cheese. Yes, we can get America aback from the takers and into the easily of the givers. Lets alpha a "GIVING BACK" club and see how abounding are accommodating to absorb a brace of hours a anniversary giving acceptable accustomed faculty to these kids. My byword in autograph this commodity is "Its not about money, dummy, its, about time" I am abiding that anyone account this commodity will accede with this "old goat". If you accept any account that can accord to "GIVING BACK" amuse let us know.

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